How to Do Almost Anything on Google+

Over the last several months I have spent a lot of time coming up with ways to use Google+ for your business, organization or personal brand. There are lots of things that I have shared and some that many people have had helpful.

From using the Hangout feature, to developing your own page or determining how people enjoy using certain features through the research I have conducted. There is a list that I have maintained on my profile page that contains most of the important information I have shared with the community. I have offered all of this information and follow-up conversation with anyone that was interested at absolutely no cost.

As I am trying to practice what I preach I am going to be downsizing my profile page on Google+ considerably. Right now it contains the list of articles and posts below and I think it is time to move it over to my blog where you can enjoy it and refer to it whenever you would like.

If there is ever a subject that I haven’t covered that you would like me to cover just let me know! Getting in touch with me is easy through social media or e-mail. I love to hear what you think and I love to hear the success stories from everyone that I have helped. If you have a success story of how you have utilized any of the information I’ve shared I would love to hear it and share it in my Consulting Services section. Think of it as a small way to give back.

Anyway, here is the list of everything I’ve posted (of importance) over the last few months. Enjoy!

Here is a Directory to my Best Posts:
Different Types of Posts
How do you post on Plus?

Google+ Hangouts On Air with Peter McDermott
A short introduction to Google+ Hangouts On Air

The Parallel Stream Effect: Why Your Experience is Totally Different than Mine
An analysis of the different post types on Google+

A Little Secret: Sharing Your Circles Helps the Community Grow
Why sharing your circles is caring for your circles.

Photo Walk: Commuter Style
Everyone else is walking, I took the bus.

A Survey about Google+ Hangouts
12+ Questions about your use of Google Hangouts

A Date with my Phlebotomist
A short video I did about my platelet donation to the American Red Cross

I Want to Show Your Business How to Benefit from Google+:For Free
An offer to get free business consulting for using Google+ with your business

Shortest Survey about Google+ on Google+
Do you like talking about Google+ on Google+?How Google+ On Air Hangouts will Change the way Businesses use Social Media
The lines of the Internet are blurring.

Google+ in Numbers
How 245 People are using the Network

Google+ in Numbers: The Circle
The circle shared in connection with the post above.

I’m real, really!
Someone thought I wasn’t.Hangouts for a Cause
Alalia Syllabaris is Cool After All

Why the Internet is Going Offline
How social media is changing it all.

Haven’t Tried Google+ Hangouts Yet?
You’re not alone. In fact, most people haven’t.

Oh the Places You’ll Go
12,000 Followers & Counting

What is your native language?
Say hello in your native language.

Ten Secrets to Getting Followed on Google+
Social Media doesn’t have to be rocket science.

Holiday Scam Alert Reminder
Be extra careful this time of year.

The US Postal Service Needs Your Help
Send your holiday gifts through the mail!

This is What’s Hot
Is What’s Hot Really That Hot?

Counting Down to the Weekend
How do you spend your time away from work?

Reaching Out to Your Circles
How to Get Help with Your Next Big Idea

Are you a Leader or a Manager?

Where do you Work?
Exploring 10 G+ Users Work Spaces

Steve Jobs Dead – Apple Co-Founder & Former CEO Died Today
Reflecting on one of Technology’s Greatest Innovators

Cliff Roth Speed Paint Hangouts on Google+
A 2 minute speed paint by Cliff Roth

Now that Google+ is Public, What Will Your Friends Think of You?
This is your opportunity to take the stage…

MUST WATCH Discussion on Medical Marijuana
A Fun Video we did with a Google+er We Found

Listening to something different. 
“This is Kennedy Launch Control. At this time we’re just in the process of closing the hatch on the Apollo 11 spacecraft.”

American Red Cross & American Heart Association
How to save a life and get free orange juice.

Creating & Sharing: Two Essential Components of ‘New Media’
As our attention spans dwindle, sharing content becomes more and more important to the preservation of new ideas.

The Awesome Potential of Google+ Hangouts
An Effort to keep the Skeptics at Bay

Exclusive Interview with Google Plus Tips Master Ryan Crowe
As promised, here is the exclusive interview with +Ryan Crowe.

How Google’s Google+ Suggested Users are Using Google+ (or not)
An in-depth look at Google’s Suggestions to Supercharge your Stream

Hello, Google+, this is my introduction.
September 5, 2011

Real Names vs Psuedonyms Debate
Even Steve Wozniak Chimed In!

MUST WATCH: Completely Insane 8-way Google+ Hangout Conversation
What happens when a Google+ Hangout Goes Wrong!

My First Google+ Real Life Hangout
August 31, 2011

Google+ and how Hangouts are Changing my Life
August 30, 2011

Photos of my Office & Studio
August 21, 2011

So this is my first Google+ update. Does this mean I’m cool now?
July 11, 2011
*Opinions expressed do not reflect those of any past, present or future employers, affiliates or otherwise associated companies or organizations.


One response to “How to Do Almost Anything on Google+”

  1. […] more. Google Plus is like the gift that keeps on giving. In Peter McDermott’s Article, “How to Do Almost Anything on Google+,”he explains all of the useful things that this new forum has to offer for anyone who is […]

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