Lifehacker posted an article this morning called “How to Convince Your Boss to Let You Try a Four Day Work Week.” Is that enough time to get all of your work done, maintain all of your client relationships and move forward with all of those projects on the back burner?
A lot has been made about the productivity benefits of the four day workweek—either in the form of a 32 hour week, or a 40 hour week. That’s all well and good, but convincing your boss to let you change your schedule completely is tough. Here’s one way to approach your boss and convince them to give the four day week a chance.
Or do you need more like six days to get it all done?
Now that we live in a mobile world, connected through our smartphones, tablets and VPN’s, we have access to our systems and files at the snap of a finger. We live in a service-oriented economy where customers expect you to pick up the phone at any time of day. Are you letting them?
Drawing boundaries to your personal life and your work life is an essential part of a successful work-life balance. What are you doing to draw the line in the sand? How many days a week do your work? Could you get away with 3 days off every week?
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