13 YouTubers You Should Circle & Subscribe

And some really good reasons why.

Sharing quality content is what drives the Internet. +YouTube is the one-stop-shop for all things relating to, well, everything. So, with 48 hours of content uploaded every minute, it can be difficult to filter through all of the not-so-good stuff. In an effort to help you, here are 13 YouTubers that I reallylike and why. Some of them you might know, but hopefully others will be completely new to you.

+Ian Andrews : Ian runs a channel called +ProjectCarTV which serves a niche and does it very well. His videos are high quality and high impact. Even if you’re not a car fan, check out his channel and you’ll see why I recommend him. (http://goo.gl/gpnzP)

+Loren Feldman : I actually discovered Loren’s channel this morning when I was sorting through my YouTuber circle of over 175 people. His channel showcases his dry humor, great personality and his business +1938 Creative. (http://goo.gl/ndJNS)

+Jeffrey Powers : Jeffrey (host of +Geekazine) is a relentless podcaster. He creates content like a freaking content-creation-machine. The distribution of his content is even more amazing. I love watching his tech podcasts on my Roku while I’m eating dinner. If you want to learn how to be a great and consistent tech podcaster, check him out. I don’t know how he has flown under the radar so long, so make sure you subscribe. (http://goo.gl/cu5fY)

+Baber Afzal : Baber is an ingenius movie-maker and is definitely one of the up-and-coming filmmakers of this decade. I have worked with Baber on multiple projects and he is an incredible resource when it comes to content creation, editing and cinematography. I would tell you to check out his channel, but I can’t seem to find it. Either way, Baber is an incredible resource for those of you that want to learn about filmmaking and editing.

+James Lawson-Smith : James is on top of what’s happening. A lot of his videos are incredibly helpful tutorials on how to use Google+, but he has also done some great things with video captured from Google+ hangouts. (http://goo.gl/zluDl)

+Dan McDermott : No, we’re not related, but we might as well be. Dan shares my passion for journalism and electronic media. Each week he hosts a wonderful recap of what has been happening with Google+ called the Google+ Week. (http://goo.gl/E8YWo)

+Chris Brogan : Chris is a community builder. His videos can help you help your business. Once you get your head out of the sand and realize you need help, start looking to Chris. (http://goo.gl/HfE5p)

+Michael Mozart : Think Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts, except they’re not conspiracies, it’s all real and happening. Michael has had a great track record of reviewing some of the quirkiest toys on the market which he calls “Fail Toys.” Lately, he has been embarking on uncovering a lot of shady business going on in Washington and on Wall Street. Now he’s doing BEER! (http://goo.gl/3jQZTand http://goo.gl/z456m)

+matthew rappaport : Matthew is truly one of the pioneers of Google+ Hangouts On Air (http://www.gplusonair.com). Matthew’s weekly show, +Hangout Conversations, is broadcast live every Thursday and includes a panel of Google+ users talking to the guest at the conclusion of the show. Matthew is also a budding filmmaker and does some very interesting and unique editing. (http://goo.gl/1owaI)

+Brad Chasenore : Brad is another relentless podcaster, and that’s what it takes to be an effective podcast. When he isn’t busy doing his weekly Tech Webcast (Australia’s #1 Leading Tech Webcast), he’s off showcasing product reviews as well as tips and tricks. Brad has been great in motivating me to get back to doing what I love. (http://goo.gl/ltKY5)

+Ashley Esqueda : Remember the girl doing the window LCD video at CES? That was +G4TV‘s Ashley Esqueda and I had the great pleasure and honor of hosting Ashley on +G+ Interviews last week and had a great time. Check out her channel AnroidAshley as well as the 30,000 other things she keeps busy doing. Still looking for her karaoke videos though. Oh, and guys? Don’t get too excited. She’s hitched. Bummer, I know. (http://goo.gl/cQgAH)

+Chris Pirillo : I am convinced Chris Pirillo is not human, but a content-creating android that simply does nothing but make videos (mostly very helpful, actually) and share them with the world. If you search for anything on YouTube relating to how to do anything with your computer, I would be shocked if one of his videos doesn’t appear. You can learn a lot about content creation from this guy. I’m serious. (http://goo.gl/sMHUh)

+Peter G McDermott : Last, but not least, yours truly. I’m just getting started on YouTube and I’mvery excited. I’m doing two things (yes, I’ve managed to narrow my focus). Each week I will be doing a video called “How to Make it Work” which is also available on Tivo, iTunes, Roku and Blip. In addition, I will be continuing G+ Interviews with a fresh interview each week of another “person that people are talking about.” If you have suggestions on who you would like to be interviewed, send me a message! (http://goo.gl/L4Jgu)

Did I leave anyone out? These are my favorites. Who are yours? Be sure to share this with your friends so they can help get some of these folks discovered! (Well, I don’t know if the Chrises need any more help…)

To add the circle, check out the post here on Google+.


One response to “13 YouTubers You Should Circle & Subscribe”

  1. Matt Avatar

    Where in the Sam Hill is Wilson Tech1?? (+Lamarr Wilson) Hilarious tech reporter. Makes sense even if you aren’t a tech nut.

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