Does Teamwork Work in Social Media?

Have We Forgotten Teamwork?

So, tonight, after attending a meeting for speakers interested in +PodCamp Nashville, I went out to dinner with the lovely +D’nelle Throneberry and talked about teamwork and how it relates to social media as a business strategy.

The first thing we talked about is something that “social media experts” are afraid to admit. Social media has grown so much that it is no longer under one umbrella. There are so many aspects of new media that one person can not simply master them all.

Currently the game is being played on a no-frills referral basis in this market. If you’re looking for WordPress, there’s someone for that. If you want to do a Twitter campaign, I can point you in the right direction. Looking for Drupal? There’s a couple of guys in town that do that…

Clearly, what I learned from our conversation and observing the relationships and businesses in this market, I know that everyone is really excited about social media. Especially the people that do it for a living. They are all working independently and love itWhy?

I can understand leaving your M-F 9-5 to become an independent entrepreneur and do what you love, but why do it alone when there is a team of people there all passionate about the same thing?

As this space continues to evolve, more technologies and networks start popping up, we are going to need more than just a few experts. Regardless, though, of how much it grows and changes, all of these things that propagate are all related. There is no reason we should work in silos. That’s why we left Corporate America in the first place, right?

I think that if a group of people with a diversified range of talents band together they will be much more successful than a bunch of people all out doing it on their own.

I don’t care how wide or great your referral network is, there is strength in numbers and if you band together, you can do amazing things. Teamwork is where it’s at.

How Many Social Networks Should My Business Use?

Image Credit nk&f (
Image Credit nk&f (

In a world where people connect effortlessly with their computers, mobile devices and tablets, social networks are popping up everywhere. Some of them are geared towards finding and sharing websites (digg, stumbleupon), others are more geared towards sharing what you’re doing in text and photo (Instagram, Twitter), some focus on where you are (Foursquare, Path) while others try to tackle everyone at once (Facebook, Google+). Every day more and more of these networks are popping up like Pinterest and Issuu.

Of course, having a presence in all of these places would expose your business or brand to more eyeballs, but is it really necessary?

Continue reading How Many Social Networks Should My Business Use?

How Two Nights in New York Changed Our World

My Window's Vista

We just finished our last night of the #NYCHIRL and all I can say is…WOW! That was one of the most incredible experiences I have had in my life.
If you are new to G+ or trying to get people interested in joining, just tell them to search for hastag NYCHIRL and see the ridiculous amount of fun that a bunch of people that met over the Internet were able to have over one weekend in New York City.

Continue reading How Two Nights in New York Changed Our World

My Question to the President for the January 30 Google+ Hangout with the White House

The President is holding a Google+ Hangout on January 30th and is seeking people with great questions to participate. I wanted to echo my thoughts in my last post about talking to a brick wall. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Music is “The Second World War” by Sabate used under Creative Commons 3.0

Effective Social Media Demands Two-Way Conversation

photo by Grant MacDonald on Flickr

Thousands of people, businesses, brands, products and services create a social media presence every day. Whether its a Twitter account, Facebook page or Google+ page, they want to make sure that you can find their product in all corners of the web.

Creating a social media campaign requires commitment, communication and most importantly, listening.

Have you ever tried having a conversation with a brick wall? Not so much fun, huh? In fact, if you tried talking to a brick wall in front of your friends, people might think you’re crazy.

Continue reading Effective Social Media Demands Two-Way Conversation

How to Do Almost Anything on Google+

Over the last several months I have spent a lot of time coming up with ways to use Google+ for your business, organization or personal brand. There are lots of things that I have shared and some that many people have had helpful.

From using the Hangout feature, to developing your own page or determining how people enjoy using certain features through the research I have conducted. There is a list that I have maintained on my profile page that contains most of the important information I have shared with the community. I have offered all of this information and follow-up conversation with anyone that was interested at absolutely no cost.

Continue reading How to Do Almost Anything on Google+

How to Get an Avatar in WordPress

If you have ever left a comment on a WordPress blog, you may have noticed that by default, there is no picture (or avatar) next to your name after the comment is published. Furthermore, if you have ever started your own WordPress blog, you will notice that there is nowhere to upload a profile picture under the Users section. So how do you get an avatar to appear? Continue reading How to Get an Avatar in WordPress

How to Use Google+ Hangouts (A Beginners' Guide)

Yesterday I showed you how to access Google+, create an account, log in and navigate the interface. Today I have taken the time, as suggested by plenty of Google+ users like KOMU News Anchorwoman +Sarah Hill, to create a video showing users how to access and utilize the Google+ Hangout feature. Continue reading How to Use Google+ Hangouts (A Beginners' Guide)