Tag: goals

  • What Happens When You Lose Focus

    Blurry Image by Steve Snodgrass shared under Creative Commons 3.0
    Image by Steve Snodgrass shared under Creative Commons 3.0

    It has happened to all of us.

    At one point or another, we made a promise to improve ourselves and we failed. Whether it was at work, with losing weight or spending more time on our hobbies, we can’t seem to do everything we want to accomplish all of the time.

    For me, I made a promise to write a blog post every day for 30 days. Sounds simple enough, right? I did too.

    It turns out, it wasn’t. In fact, it was really hard. So hard–in fact–that I actually failed.

    Failure is okay though. It’s not something to be afraid of. Each time we fail we teach ourselves what we need to improve and what we need to avoid in order to be successful.

    You’re never going to be able to lose 20-lbs, write Thank You notes to everyone that did something nice, make your bed every morning and start a new Yoga class every Tuesday for a month. Somewhere, something is going to have to give.

    As I tackle on new projects, new responsibilities and promises to myself, I am learning to realize that we as humans can’t do everything at once.

    In order to be successful, we need to try one thing at a time.

    You can watch all of the “motivational speeches” you want about how you should never sleep, you should never give up and you should spend every living and breathing second focusing on being successful. You can try to replicate what worked for someone else, but in the end, you will fail. We all need to learn to be okay with that.

    By failing, we learn. By learning, we become smarter.

    The smarter we are, the more realistic our goals become.

    Remember: every time you lose focus, pay attention to what caused you to become distracted. Steer away from the distractions and allow yourself to find the best way to accomplish your goals.

    Be realistic. You can’t eat the elephant all at once. Take small bites, and chew slowly.

    Life is meant to be enjoyed. Sure, it’s challenging, but take advantage of its learning moments and use them to set you up for success.

    Every time you lose focus, if you pay attention, you can put yourself a step closer to getting where you want to be.

    And once you get there? Well, you’ll be grateful for taking the time to pay attention along the way.

    Losing focus is okay. After all, you might learn something from it.

  • How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Happen, For Real!

    Each year we kid ourselves with these silly notions of losing 15 pounds, taking more walks, calling our parents (or children) more often or trying to learn a new language or hobby. At the end of the year, we’d be hard-pressed to remember what the heck it was we promised to ourselves to begin with!

    Here are three (3) easy steps to making your New Year’s Resolutions happen, for real! Once you’re done watching the short video, share it with your friends, embed it on your blog or send it to your mom! Remember, sharing is caring! Also, to make sure you don’t miss out on any of my posts like this (the stream can fly by in a hurry!) make sure you’re subscribed to my weekly update (subscribe button is on the right)!