What Google+ Means to Me

There have been so many other social networks out there. We can talk about Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Pinterest and the 1,000’s of niche networks out there, however, if we want to talk about the one network that has changed my life, we would need to talk about Google+.

Yes, I’m a fan boy, but I have a really good reason. I have met so manyinteresting, incredible and influential people through Google’s newest product.

I have met astronomers (+Fraser Cain), news experts (+Sarah Hill. +Dan McDermott, +Maria Quiban, +Tshaka Armstrong, +Melissa Carlson), musicians (+will.i.am, +Daria Musk, +Ryan Van Sickle, +HEATHER FAY), chefs (+Lee Allison, +Joe Saad), thinkers (+Hermine Ngnomire), funnymen (+matthew rappaport, +Lamarr Wilson, +Bearman Cartoons), artists (+Cliff Roth, +Mike Searle, +Aaron Wood) and people from my home town (+Andy Torres, +Don Noll, +Shawn Startup), but most importantly, I have found community.

No, not the kind you’d expect on some message board, but a true network of people that share passions, desires and excitement for the same things. People that truly care about the success of one another.

With the rollout of Google’s new UI, I know that this network is finally growing up, and I have to confess, I’m glad, at last… because this is truly a network of discovery.


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