Keeping a backup of all of your important files is important. You probably make regular backups of the important files on your computer at home, but do you worry about backing up your online data like all of the information on your blog?
If you have an account on and you’d like to move it over to a self-hosted site (something that many people decide to do as they continue to grow their audience), you will eventually need to export your data. But, don’t wait until you’re ready to move. Make regular backups of your blog, just in case.
I was talking to A.V. Flox from BlogHer about an aquaintance that had their blog disappear. There’s no telling why the blog disappeared, whether it was a server error, a violation of Terms & Service, or just an anomily, but the truth is, it could happen to anyone, especially if your password isn’t secure.
To protect yourself from losing all of the valuable information you have created, your words, your posts, your comments, your images–all of the content that you have worked so hard to create–you should perform regular backups. Don’t worry though, they’re easy to do. Just follow these steps.
Step 1
Log into your Account and select the blog you want to backup:
Step 2
Click ‘My Blog’ in the upper left hand corner and select ‘Dashboard’
Step 3
On the left hand tool bar, go down to ‘Tools’ (it’s towards the bottom) and select ‘Export’
Step 4
If you want to backup all of your pages, posts and comments, select ‘All content’ and click the ‘Download Export File’ button.
Step 5
Depending on what browser you are using, a notification should appear asking you if you would like to download the file. Since it is an XML file, your computer might warn you that it could be dangerous. In situations where the source is trusted, such as, you don’t need to worry about this warning. Click ‘Keep’ and then, presto, you have a backup of all of your blog content on your home computer!
When you get more proficient and as your audience continues to grow, you might want to start your own website on an independent server using the framework. The interface is virtually the same, and when you go to set it up (using their famous five minute installation) you’ll be able to instantly Import your content, pages and comments from your previous location!
By backing up your data regularly you won’t have to worry about your blog “disappearing” because you’ll always have a copy of your content right at your fingertips.
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