The White House is Hanging Out Tomorrow

Image via Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon

No word yet from +The White House, +Barack Obama or +Steve Grove as to whether or not my question made it into the queue or if I’ll be part of tomorrow’s hangout. But, nonetheless, it should be great to see the President using this incredible technology and platform to interact with some of our country’s citizens.

I really hope that politicians start to embrace and understand the power of connecting with their citizens and constituents using social media and things like hangouts that allows them to connect with people in their congressional districts while they’re busy working in Washington.

Would you like to have a hangout with your local US Representative?

Thanks to all of you that shared, plussed and commented on my posts on Friday as well as to those of you that thumbed up my video on the White House’s YouTube page. I really appreciate your support!


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